5 Reasons Why Basic Invite Takes Holiday Cards Online to Another Level
Business cards, holiday cards, invitations, announcements or any card you may need, after discovering Basic Invite, it has now become my one-stop shopping spot for all my stationery needs including ordering holiday cards online.
I was really surprised with how much Basic Invite had to offer but here are 5 of the main reasons why I ordered my stationery and will be ordering any announcements and my holiday cards for business from them.
1. Unlimited Colors
Well almost unlimited colors. Basic Invite is one of the few websites out there that allows customers such an extensive number of color options with instant previews online. Once a design is selected, you can change the color of each element on the card to over 180 different color options so you can make sure the card is exactly how you want it down to the smallest detail. For the extra picky person like myself, this is one of the main reasons on what really set Basic Invite apart from almost any of the other online stationery companies I have visited and ordered from in the past.
As a business owner and influencer, I need my business cards to stand out from the others in the pile like these clear business cards. Talk about unique and setting one apart from others. The same goes for anything on paper that represents me, my brand, business or even my family. I always want to use the best yet not always spend as much as it looks like I spent.
2. Custom Samples
The fact that I am able to receive custom samples to truly see what the finished product will be makes such a difference to me. I don’t know of any custom website that allows me to hold, feel and see the exact finished product before committing to an order.
Basic Invite custom stationery with custom brand colors
3. Over 40 Different Envelope Color Options
When details mean everything, Basic Invite checks all the boxes - especially when it comes to envelopes. Just like a business card, you want to stand out from the others in a pile of envelopes even before your card is opened. You can choose from over 40 different colors and the best part is all their envelopes are peel and seal so the envelopes can be quickly and securely closed without licking a single one.
4. Foil
Especially for the holidays, foil cards add a special touch to the occasion and Basic Invite offers foil holiday cards in gold, silver, and rose gold. You can choose from flat or raised foil on all of Basic Invite’s foil designs. They offer over 500 personalized Christmas cards and for a limited time, they are offering 30% off with CODE: holi30 which I am using to order not only my personal, but also business holiday cards with.
5. Address Capturing Service/Free Wedding Websites
In complete honesty, this alone can be the number one reason Basic Invite stole my heart. Their free wedding website and address capturing service can’t make it any easier to let your wedding guests know everything they need to for that important day.
They offer this service that allows customers to simply share a link on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or any other form of social media to request their friends and family’s addresses which will be stored in the customer’s account and can then be selected during the design process. Basic Invite offers recipient address printing at no cost on all Christmas card orders. Now that, in itself sets them apart from the others.
They even offer free birthday and holiday party websites in addition to websites for virtually any occasion! Make it a breeze to share registry information, updates and more in one location for easy sharing.
Basic Invite Personalized Stationery with Custom Color and Font
BONUS: This should really be the 6th reason why Basic Invite has taken stationery to another level but I’ll just leave it here as a bonus. The ease of choosing, customizing and ordering was so effortless and with virtually no frustration, that I literally wrote down specific cards I wanted to come back to once I receive my family photos for our holiday cards.
Customizing my brand colors was so easy that I was shocked at how quickly I was able to match my colors. I ordered several cards for notes to brands thanking them and I love that each card represents not only me, but stays consistent with my brand theme. To me, this makes all the difference.
There are so many options out there and we all tend to fall into habit and what we are used to but sometimes, discovering different ways to do the same thing can be not only refreshing, but a new way to showcase yourself.
If you have been visiting my blog and Instagram for a while, you know I am very particular about what I post about. I don’t write about just anything on my blog nor do I compliment when I don’t feel a compliment is necessary so for me to say I was beyond impressed with the entire Basic Invite process should speak volumes. Let me know your thoughts below on your experience after checking Basic Invite out.