5 Tips for Organizing Your Home Office
In a day and age where technology allows the freedom of working outside the traditional office, home offices are becoming more and more common. Regardless of its location, a home office doesn't need to be super spacious to allow for an efficient work environment.
My home office is located in my laundry room. Not a lot of space - especially for the all the products, makeup, etc. that I receive on a regular basis; nonetheless, I have come up with easy, attractive ways to organize the limited space.
1. File Folders
As a mom of three, full time realtor, and full time blogger/influencer, I have a lot of "stuff." Let's start with papers. I have a lot of them and I find separating papers into separate categories and housing them into designated file folders makes things much easier to not only locate items quickly, but also keep the piles to a minimum. I love file folders and these folders matched my gray and white decor perfectly. I found this wall file organizer along with these two metal file holders to help keep the folders themselves organized.
2. Floating Shelves
Because space is limited, and I want as much free real estate on the surface area of my desk, adding a simple floating corner shelf helps keep planners, smaller notebooks and notepads easily accessible yet out of the way.
3. Wire Clips
One of my biggest pet peeves is having wires all over my work space. I don't know about you, but when I don't have a tidy well organized work area, I can't seem to work efficiently. These inexpensive clips hold my phone wire when not in use and I love how this USB outlet allows me to free up the outlet while still having the option of charging my phone as well.
This little wire holder is a life saver. Since I have my laptop charger plugged underneath my desk, when it's unplugged, I find myself always having to fish the wire back up through the desk. This little wire clip helps keep the wire from falling. I also have one of these next to my bed to hold my phone charger wire.
4. Bins
These modular bins are stackable and have been life savers for me. I'm able to store items inside yet they are easily accessible.
Modular Bins are a great way to keep items out of view yet organized for easy access.
5. Calendar
I keep a white board calendar in my office so I can quickly glance at deadlines, etc. I am most efficient when I am organized and have a clutter-free work environment. Having an organized home office doesn't need to cost a fortune - small changes and tweaks in the system can have a huge impact!