My name is Neda and I have an obsession with handbags. I can wear the same shoes every single day and be completely content. Handbags, on the other hand, are just something that makes my heart flutter…

Welcome to life with me, Mama K, a blogger with a passion for fashion, life, and family. My life isn't perfect, but heck, whose is? I hope you enjoy my journey!
My name is Neda and I have an obsession with handbags. I can wear the same shoes every single day and be completely content. Handbags, on the other hand, are just something that makes my heart flutter…
I have always loved avocado toast, but I love changing things up by adding my own little additions and seasonings to make it completely personalized for my taste.
I started my real estate business with $500 dollars and in my second year, more than doubled its income. When I decided to start a blog, I approached it and still treat it as a business. Within a year, I had created a nice “side hustle” for myself and have gotten to the point where I can now branch out and pursue other aspects from my blog.
As I look back on my wedding almost 25 years later, I ask myself if I would do things any differently? The answer: Heck yes! Here a few things I would change about my wedding (and some that I wouldn’t)!
Hanging your sweaters doesn’t have to give you those unsightly bumps on your shoulders anymore. I’ve discovered a better way to hang your sweaters, so you can stop folding them and get your shelf space back.